Best Blogger Tips

Monday, 19 August 2013

Controlling your android phone with AirDROID!

An interesting app that i have found while searching through the go market, allow humans to control android phone from where ever they want! Really this is an amazing stuff by the folks and symbolizes the picture of ubiquitous computing a bit. Just download the application from the android market, its absolutely free. Follow the instructions of usage and you are good to go. From here, you can control almost anything you'd be able to control while holding your phone. You can adjust/delete your notifications and ringtones, read and send SMS messages, backup and uninstall apps, and monitor your system's storage information.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Facebook profile picture privacy revealed!

Facebook Profile picture viewer Recently, while going through the Facebook Developers API documentation I have found out few flaws in the facebook privacy. The flaws exist in the privacy of profile pictures. It is very easy to view the likes on the private facebook profile pictures and also you can view that profile picture in full dimensions by doing these tricks. Seriously it could lead to a misuse of many private profile pictures. Facebook need to consider this issue as early as possible. All that game of URL is. You just need to tweak the Fields and values in the Facebook URL and you can end up with unexpected and weird results and two of which I found while doing those insane tricks. I have written this post to inform the facebook users about this privacy breach before their pictures get into the criminal hands and even more serious could happen using that. By doing two of the following things you can do some insane, unexpected tasks!

Viewing the Private Facebook Profile picture in full dimensions:

  • Go to the desired facebook profile.
  • Right click on the profile picture and click on "Copy image URL" or "Copy Image Location".
  • Paste the URL up on the URL bar.
  • The URL will look like this.
  • Remove the following portion from the URL.
  • /c120.0.720.720/s160x160.
  • The final URL will look like this.
  • Now open this URL, you will get the results.

Viewing the likes on the private facebook profile pictures:

  • Take the url:
  • Copy the following portion between two underscores
  • 123456789876543
  • Paste the above code at the end of the following URL.
  • The final url will look like this:
  • Paste this URL in the browser URL bar and you will see the likes on that private profile picture.

  • Note:
    You need to log in the Facebook to get the final results.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Static block in Java


Static block

Static blocks in Java are initialize before any objects.They can access only static data types that are declared global or are instance variables. But can declare local variables of non-static within their scope.


public class StaticDemonstration {

 static int a;
  System.out.println("Hello Static");
 int b = 10;
 System.out.println(a==b ? "Right":"Wrong");
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 //No Objects



Hello static

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Easy Use of switch in Java!



Switch is used as an alternative of if else series of statements. It is more efficient and easy to use than if else if ladder.


Switch value{body.. }

Test application

I am going to create a test application in Java using switch that will allow the user to enter any integer numbers from 0 to 10 and the program will produce output in alphabets against any number entered.
import java.util.Scanner;

public class SwitchDemo {

 public static void main(String arg[]) {
  System.out.println("Enter the Number to convert " +
    "in alphabets");
  Scanner in = new Scanner(;
  int a;
   a = in.nextInt();
   case 0:
   case 1:
   case 2:
   case 3:
   case 4:
   case 5:
   case 6:
   case 7:
   case 8:
   case 9:
   case 10:
    System.out.println("Wrong input");

Use of right shift and left shift operator in Java!


Left Shift "<<"

The left shift "<<" shifts the highest order bit to the right for number of times the user specified.


value << position 
The value is increased with the double effect according to the value of the position specified.


int value = 10;
int position = 2;

int result = value << position;
So the final value that will be stored in the result variable will be 40.(10,20,40)

Right shift ">>"

The right shift ">>" shifts the lowest order bit to the left for number of times the user specified.


value >> position 
The value is decrease with the double effect according to the value of the position specified.


int value = 10;
int position = 2;

int result = value >> position;
So the final value that will be stored in the result variable will be 2.(10,5,2.5(2))

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Creating a beautiful login web page.

Creating a beautiful login web page.

Screen Shot

login page

Monday, 3 June 2013

KL02 Chip, A miniature Computer!

KL02 Chip, A miniature Computer! KL02 Chip An invention of two mm chip is just an effort to make available the computer power everywhere. This is what we actually called ubiquitous.
If the internet has to reach everywhere- say from the medicines we take to the clothes we wear, keys we use for locking or unlocking, remote for switching on or off, toaster for toasting slices then computer will definitely need to get a whole lot of tiny. This is really a promising start by the folks to introduce a 2 millimeters square microchip.
KL02 is an ant –ant sized miniature silicon chip unfolded by FreeScale, It is shorter from both the sides like the ants but packs a central unit, a memory unit and many other components.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

An in-depth exploration of Samsung Galaxy S4: A real world guesstimation!

An in-depth exploration of Samsung Galaxy S4: A real world guesstimation! There are lot of appealing qualities of Galaxy S4 and a lot of astound flaws. Is it a perfect phone for your requirements or not???
There are many things in this world that do not need any introduction. I would say Samsung Galaxy S4 is not one amongst those. Definitely, “Galaxy S series” has practically become a menage name. And sure definitely, you have possibly probably heard all types of hype about the newest Samsung model. But you will have to trust me; there are more to the galaxy s4 than that meets the eye. I am in the use of Galaxy s4 for about three weeks and I say with my complete nerve control that while this smart phone has its share of unique,

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Survey : Developers and analysts for Microsoft Dynamics are in Line for 14% elevate

Survey : Developers and analysts for Microsoft Dynamics are in Line for 14% elevate As according to the survey of more than 10K respondents over the globe, IT professionals with expertise in Microsoft Dynamics project management and architectural design can look forward for robust uptakes this year. According to the reports of Microsoft dynamics salary survey 2013 from Nigel frank international, Those technical architects who are hired as a full time job on Microsoft Dynamics stand to earn 14% salary boost, and project managers are in the queue for a 9% elevation. Chances for new hiring for other Dynamics IT professionals are very less, the survey says, 4% is the mediocre salary boost athwart other categories. The survey was primarily focused on the professionals with the skills in four products:

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

GeForce GTX 780 GPU has just been announced by Nvidia.

GeForce GTX 780 has just been announced by the NVIDIA It’s really a good news for the guys and girls who are the gaming fanatic, the NVIDIA has just rolled over its exciting new GeForce GTX 780 3d graphic card for an amazing and sensational 3D gaming experience. This weird device has been equipped with a dominion Kepler GPU with 2,304 cores and a lightning fast 3GP GDDR5 ram.
It sounds really absorbing and engrossing

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Mortgage Calculator with source code in java

Mortgage calculator with source code in java
public class Mortgage {
 private double loanAmount;
 private int loanTerm ;
 private double interest ;

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Questions and Answers related to Information Technology!



A bio-metric web-based time reporting system is been proposed at your University Write down three consistent and testable, functional requirements for this software.


Before discussing the functional requirements for the software proposed for the university,

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Encrypt Message using free Java App!

Encrypt Messages Using java App

Description :

Now you can use this little app for securing your conversation and messages, that needs to be travel through places that are vulnerable to intruders and hackers that can modify your message contents and forwards this modified message to your friends or colleagues as it seems it is sent by you! This little app is developed solely in java and it provides a way to encrypt (encode) or decrypt (decode) the message that is somehow very difficult to crack and extract the sensitive information.

Algorithm Used :

The app uses a basic enciphering technique called Caesar Cipher that uses the substitution cipher to change the plaint text according to the defined key! Same is used for decoding a encrypted message to get the original message but in opposite direction.

Usage Guide:

Initial Interface:

The window up shows the main frame of the application. At the beginning all the fields are resent to contain no values.

Encoding a message:

As you can see, a plain text message must be written without spaces in the "Encrypt message" field at the time of sending the message and a key value must be provided to encode the message using substitution algorithm(key) the key must also provided to the receiver at the receiving end to decrypt or decode the encoded message to get the plain text.

Decoding a message:

A key must be provided to the receiver to decode the message back at original text. As you can see, at this time, the coded message is written in the "Decrypt" field and also a key is provided to get the original message back. Both sender and receiver system must have the software running on their machines.

Advantages of using Encryption:

  • Provides Security to the most sensitive information.
  • Provides secrecy to the messages.

Get the App for free:



Wednesday, 13 March 2013

An update to facebook Timeline!

I am really much exited today. Not about a new update made to the facebook timeline but about the time when the update
was being done by the folks! Seriously, the facebook server went slower down when i clicked to the notification area and searched for a friend but then after a certain while it started working again but with new features. It was an amazing and weird for me at that time.
That update was made right in between 12:40 to 1250 AM PST. 3/14/2013!

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Latest Blogging Tips for Online Bloggers


In this modern world the no of bloggers are increasing at a higher rate. All bloggers want to get popularity to their blogs. But only some people succeeded in getting popularity and they became professional bloggers. While for the remaining their targets are at a great distance. Achieving the targets is not an easy job; it requires lot of work and knowledge. Are you an online blogger? Do you want to become a professional blogger? Here are the latest blogging tips for online bloggers.


The best online blogger should regularly update his blog. By using this he can build traffic to the website and can drag the attraction of web users. To update your website make best use of tools and features. In this way you can interact with the web users effectively.

Comment on blogs:

Comment on other’s blogs so that you can build traffic to your website. Never comment on other’s blogs unnecessarily. Leave a comment whenever you feel it is important to add or whenever you are impressed with their posts.

Provide useful data:

Blogs reflect your opinions and thoughts effectively. Whenever you post something think from the reader’s point of view to know whether they like it or not. Because the viewer’s read blogs just to know your ideas and views.

Grab attention:

The web users create an impact on your blog within 4 seconds of reviewing it. Hence you have to grab the attention of users within this short span of time. You can create effective titles, easy articles to attract readers.


A good online blogger should have good communication skills so that he can communicate with the readers effectively. This is the best way to get feedback from customers.

Make use of pictures:

No one shows interest to read the plain text. People decide whether they have to read further or not depending on the pictures. If they find interesting pictures they can step ahead. In order to grab the attention of as much users as possible include as many images in your blog.

Guest blogging:

This is the way to make your website user and crawler-friendly. You can get a brand name to your website by writing articles on other blogs.


Without making use of marketing strategies your blog will not attract the targeted audience. To increase traffic to your website you can take help of search engines, web tools and guest posts. In any case if you fall short of money in advertising then you can make use of short term loans such as cash payday loans.

Target heart of blog:

The heart of the blog will be obviously content. Make sure that the content must be related to your content. Represent the content in an attractive way so that it attracts as many people as possible. Do not represent the unrelated and disgusting stuff in your content.
These are the latest blogging tips for online bloggers to build traffic. Initially when you are creating a blog, you might be required to invest some amount of money. In such emergency situations you can opt a short term loan such as cash payday loan to afford it.

About the Author:

The guest post was contributed by Sophie, financial guest blogger from Manchester, UK. Find out more about her finance related blogs @financeport .


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