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Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Survey : Developers and analysts for Microsoft Dynamics are in Line for 14% elevate

Survey : Developers and analysts for Microsoft Dynamics are in Line for 14% elevate As according to the survey of more than 10K respondents over the globe, IT professionals with expertise in Microsoft Dynamics project management and architectural design can look forward for robust uptakes this year. According to the reports of Microsoft dynamics salary survey 2013 from Nigel frank international, Those technical architects who are hired as a full time job on Microsoft Dynamics stand to earn 14% salary boost, and project managers are in the queue for a 9% elevation. Chances for new hiring for other Dynamics IT professionals are very less, the survey says, 4% is the mediocre salary boost athwart other categories. The survey was primarily focused on the professionals with the skills in four products: Dynamics GP is accounting or ERP software; and Dynamics Customer relationship management software; AX and NAV are ERP platforms. Technical geeks also overcome some of the largest salaries among Dynamics professionals, , with salaries in the US of $148,000 for those versed in Dynamics AX, $115,000 for NAV, $144,000 for CRM and $115,000 for GP, the survey says. Freelancers can earn up to $1,100 per day. The average freelance wage increase over the next year is 12%, and that is so attractive that 39% of full-timers would leave their current jobs to freelance. Still, many (30%) Dynamics workers are dissatisfied with training and career development as well as their compensation. A larger percentage (48.1%) describes themselves as satisfied with their jobs and 8.5% describe themselves as very satisfied. Amongst those novice users who responds to the surveys, 18.9% in Dynamics CRM and 17.4% in Dynamics GP, 21.8% in Dynamics NAV, 41.9% had competency in Dynamics AX. There should be a lot of openings for those with the right expertise since 35% of those surveyed plan to switch jobs in the next year, and most of them (58%) are looking for other positions because their current jobs lack career prospects or don't promise large enough salary increases to suit them, the survey says. Nearly half (45%) of those looking to change jobs would consider moving to another country, with the U.S., U.K., Australia, Canada and Germany scoring as the top choices. Most jobs related to Dynamics offer laptops, bonuses, a mobile phone and health plans as standard perks. A significant chunk (20% to 50%) also offer life insurance, dental insurance, life insurance and free Internet access, and they give workers the option to work from home..

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