A bio-metric web-based time reporting system is been proposed at your University Write down three consistent and testable, functional requirements for this software.Answer
Before discussing the functional requirements for the software proposed for the university, I will have to describe the function that this software is required to perform. The software keeps the track of working hours spent by employees in the university. The software checks-in and checks-out the employee using their thumb impressions. So the painstaking tasks required by the Payroll department have now become resolved.The three consistent and testable, functional requirements are as follows:
• Tracking an employee time, including arrivals of an employee and departure time of an employee, lunch time taken by the employee, breaks taken, overtime given, holidays, and absences are easily mapped and can be tested easily.
• Establishing the rules for governing how employee time will be accounted for (rounding, early clock in or out, overtime)
• Reduce the exceptions, inconsistencies and errors associated with manual time tracking system.
You are part of a global organization. The organization has standards for software across all platforms and in all the regions. The IT departments globally interface with each other so technology needs to be standardized. TAL is the latest technology allows interfacing with in-memory databases you have been asked to use this technology to build the latest software as your software will interface the rest of the global systems in the other regions (Brazil, Hong Kong, Denmark, Germany, US) that already uses this technology. You have a new team who are very bright and quick to learn but have not been exposed to this new technology. The project deadline is very tight no lag period. With your Risk Management hat on, after considering the options of avoiding, transferring, mitigating, or accepting the risk, which option will you take and why ?Answer
The requirement for developing new software starts from user scenarios to, a simple specification, an advanced one to the final software document that includes all the functional and non-functional specification. But it usually relates to a newly developed system. If we have to integrate an already existing system to its own version of new developed system then it generally requires understanding its function across all platforms or countries in which it is running. TAL is a technology that is used to build the desktop based or web based computer software systems. You can call it as a framework. It is a multi-functioned program you can also say it as an ERP because it requires to be configured to meet the requirements of existing circumstances of the organization. TAL’s feature of developing new software requires understanding it and developing it for another group of people that is working in an organization. So people who want to develop it as a part of new integratable system must completely estimate and analyze all the risk involved, the work force that is required to develop it. This software can be developed through agile development techniques such as extreme programming, evolutionary development, scrum development and pair programming requiring coding all the tasks that are required directly or indirectly The development will proceed with keeping the model call spiral approach for mirroring with cost estimation, time management, and allocation of appropriate resources to the work force hired or given with the tasks.Question
Human resources have been asked to calculate pay rises and A software engineer is asked to analyze the relationship between the number of lines of source code (LOC) produced for a set of projects versus the effort (in Hours) required to produce the code.Answer
If we compare the tasks of the specialists in Human resources with the software engineer then we came to realize that the software engineers are more capable of doing intellectual and critical tasks such as creation of complex algorithms and the choice of suitable decisions at suitable times. Human resource on the other hands is just having to analyze the personalities of the persons on the interview or calculating the efficiencies of the current employees for increments in salaries. Human resources are always asked at some point in their tenure for increasing their salaries because of less diversity and evolution in their job description. While a software engineer is paid for the amount of work he does on the particular software project he completes. A software engineer is paid for the number of lines of codes that he produces for generating the real time product for a firm or an enterprise versus the working hours taken by him to produce those lines of codes. So there is a big change or you can say there is a big diversity in the job description and specification for the software engineer with those within human resource.Question
State Transport Co-operation is embarking on a automated system that sells tickets 24 * 7 at all its outlets. The customer will be able to select a destination put in the debit card details and if authentication is cleared and the transaction is viable a valid ticket is issued. Take a look at a stab of the user spec below. The customer is presented with a screen and the process of buying a ticket is commenced once the customer presses the start button. When the start button on the screen is pressed a menu displays all possible potential destinations as well as a message prompting the user to select a destination Once a destination has been selected and the amount of destination displayed, the customer is required to next select mode of payment which is either a recognized debit card or a State Transport debit card. Customer is required to input their card details and once this goes through authentication, the next stage is the validation of the transaction. Once transaction has been cleared a ticket is issued with a system generated customer receipt (NB a State Transport debit card allows you to convert monies into credit stored on the card that can be used at any of its outlets to purchase tickets) The above is a good start at a user spec but there are a number of ambiguities that need to be resolved for a clearer detailed specification. What can you deduce from the following of the above user requirement Can a customer buy several tickets for the same destination, or is this split into several transactions (i.e. does system handle group bookings) Can a customer cancel a request if a mistake is made (i.e. input of wrong destination) If authentication is not passed or transaction invalid how the system handle this. If the customer wants to buy another ticket for another destination how does the system handle this Question Resolve if possible the 4 ambiguities above and write a walk through scenario for this State Transport System, which shows some of the important ways this system can be used. Think of it as a detailed user guideAnswer
First of all I will be oversimplifying the scenario of the system. The system has been proposed for State Transport Co-operation is that it is offering an automated system with the custody of the custom debit cards. The card will help the customers for buying tickets from the system booths where ever, any time on any firm’s outlet. So it is pretty much similar to standard debit cards but it is not for other uses.Due to the vagueness of the requirements there could be more ambiguity in defining the system features and functions.
I am going to present some best suitable business logics of this system for the resolution of ambiguities:
• A single customer cannot by more than one ticket for a single location
• A customer should be able to cancel the request if he/she make mistake, for handling this all sorts of validations must
be done on the client terminals with proper checks before submitting the final write operation to the database.
• The system should give at least three input tries to the user for making transaction by logging in other wise ban that client for one hour.
• The system should offer the clients for choose between multiple locations located at the relevant ways at multiple tickets.
The system is very useful for every one because it removes the painstaking task to reach some specific stop for boarding into the bus or reaching a branch office for buying tickets. It is an amazing offer for old persons and for students.
As part of the National Health Scheme the government of Germany has decided to automate the Ambulance Service (193) and have a computer-aided dispatch service. You have been brought in by the Government to act as a business consultant and one of your first task is to write a “a detailed user requirement specification” which is unambiguous and can be put out to tender. Your specification will deal with software aspect only. Your Requirements should be numbered, testable and consist of complete sentences. Please do not write more than 2 A4 sheets.Answer
The working of public safety agencies and communication centers in the present century is totally dependent upon the information gathered and an ability to analyze and manage that information. That requirement of gathering information and analyzing it heavily depends upon the computer-aided dispatch software for automating ambulance services and other public safety services. The design, development, license and implementation of this computer-aided dispatch system can be a complicated part for large or medium sized public safety agencies or communication centers. The implementation of this system not only involve the installation of nodes and the CAD software it also involve connecting this system to several other third party systems such as alarm input systems, mobile data systems, time synchronization sources, data management systems, computer-aided systems of other agencies and the local, country, state and federal network of criminal justice databases. The design, development, purchase and installation of CAD systems can be a complicated endeavor for a medium or large-size public safety agency. It involves not only the installation of computers and the CAD software, but usually connection to a wide variety of other systems: alarm inputs, mobile data systems, time synchronization sources, records management systems, CAD systems of other agencies, and the local, county, state and federal network of criminal justice databases.Elements of a Computer-aided dispatch system:
The computer-aided dispatch software is a program that keeps a record of incidents handled by a public safety agency such as ambulance service, or it can be a complex set of different other programs and external connections to fully guard everything that a public safety communication center does.
The relevancy and complexity of this system is usually tested and dictated by the size of the public safety agency such as ambulance service and the number of dispatcher is working to support it.
Most of the simple computer-aided dispatch systems are called “calls for service”. Reason for their names comes from their ability to combine data of a live and in-use CAD program with more off-line records management systems.
If we see the history of CAD systems, they usually consisted of mainframe computers located in a central computer room, linked to “dumb” terminals in the communication centers showing only text-based or console based information. That was quite different from today’s client- server architecture with data residing on a central computer that is linked with millions of PCs linked worldwide geologically dispersed. This architecture also provides back-up servers to provide services to the users when one server down due to any trouble. Also with this architecture users can have flexible outputs. And today’s systems present the outputs to the users on large terminals with different color models, graphics and symbols.
Computer-aided programs have essential elements for supporting dispatcher’s work:
911 interfaces: -
The 911 systems and the CAD computers are connected to each other electronically, So that the caller’s number and the address of the caller are displayed on the screen and automatically transferred to the fields of the computer-aided dispatch software incident entry form fields.
Incident Information database: -
This database is of the incident data, that data is usually obtained from the called, that data includes the location of the caller, that location data includes the house number, street number and name, an intersection area, caller’s personal information and other gathered by the dispatcher. Whenever the incident is recorded in the database, the CAD compares the data with previous incidents data in the records, if the match is not found the incident is recorded as a new incident and it will displays an relevant alerts based on those comparisons.
Location Verification: -
Once the locations of the incidents automatically received from 193 or those were manually typed in, the CAD matched it with the file called geo file created by the communication center or ambulance agency at the time when the software was first installed. The geo file is a database system of locations, including house numbers, street numbers, intersection areas and etc. These files ensure that the locations are within the boundary, within a valid reachable block number range and are consistently entered again and again.
Information files: -
Once the location for the incident has been verified, CAD attaches the incident to any of its information system or information databases, that includes previous incidents at the same location, it then address alerts, encrypted text-information, telephone numbers, personal lists, ambulance dispatch procedures, suspect hazards and other relevant detail.
Incident Display: -
Once the incident detail is entered in the CAD, CAD then can display a list of pending, current and past incidents, according to dispatcher’s assignment and preference. These incidents are sorted by date, time and priority, type of incident or other criteria.
These were few elements for the computer-aided dispatched software for ambulance services the specification can go beyond the suggested limit but I specified most important and functional features for the system proposed for the Germany ambulance service.