If the internet has to reach everywhere- say from the medicines we take to the clothes we wear, keys we use for locking or unlocking, remote for switching on or off, toaster for toasting slices then computer will definitely need to get a whole lot of tiny. This is really a promising start by the folks to introduce a 2 millimeters square microchip.
KL02 is an ant –ant sized miniature silicon chip unfolded by FreeScale, It is shorter from both the sides like the ants but packs a central unit, a memory unit and many other components. The chip came into the existence when a customer asked for a device tiny enough to be swallowed and little enough to be digested and then extracted. Now it is up on the sale by the FreeScale and it is also up in front of ubiquitous computing communities and other companies for Research and Development purposes to induce more computers like this that contain wireless, sensors and actuators data connections. You can call about these sorts of devices “The internet of things”.
For example, a thermostat is connected to the internet switches the air coolant on when the temperature of the room gets lower or you arrive with a lot of sweat on your face. Obviously it would not be a fixed configuration or scenario, it would be customizable.
As according to Kaivan Karimi, director of global strategy for microcontrollers at Freescale, If connected sensors are to be distributed across the globe, these tiny computing devices need to be shrunken in size, capacity, power usage and price.
The folks said that they gamble in integrating computer in a small chip that would easily used on circuit board.
KL02 will be offer with some lightly larger microcontrollers like zigbee or other light power blue tooth devices this year.
By adding GUTS of a radio chip to the current designs wireless connectivity is integrated.
The firm is also fatiguing out to refine the technology for packaging together other micro chips to enable many other mm-scale machines.
Karimi Says, “All these diverse creatures need to come in hand and be assimilate together but the tough job for us would be to integrate those altogether at the same time without losing their performance”.
Bringing those sensors or actuators close to each other would be a real nightmare for us because the all produce their own kind of electronic noise that can trouble or interfere with each other or other working components.
One of the challenges we found while designing those chips was of Flash memory that can produce interference in radio chips in smart phones. It is too tiny to avoid this problem in small chip, FreeScale’s Engineers fabricated small Faraday Cages memory to bandage in this electronic noise.
Free Scale is gambling on a Technology called RCP (Redistributed Chip packaging) developed in house is going to make it possible to overcome likely problems.
It has been used by the defense systems for many years to wall against the extreme heat and pressures.
RCP also makes it possible to pile up chips and components; one being studied is using the process to integrate antennas, as well as radio circuits and into the chips.
Free Scale is not the company devoted only to chips but also sees potential profits in supplying chips for a new tide of sensor and other small computers that feed data towards the internet.